20 Reasons Why I HATE the Cold

  1. Snowwoman, Vero Beach

    Even this snow lady prefers the beach!

    Having to wear extra layers– Peeling off layer after layer once you get indoors where the heater is on is such a pain because I am always so aware that I will have to put them on again.

  2. My hands cannot stay warm.  I need those little hand warmth packets that you break apart and hold for every day of the winter.
  3. In addition to my hands feeling like they can’t open and close, my nose constantly feels like it’s going to fall off.
  4. You can’t swim when the weather is cold unless you go to a stuffy indoor pool with a bunch of ladies that go to water aerobics.
  5. If you get wet on a boat, you stay wet on a boat.
  6. My electric bill goes up because the simple solution to keep cool (turning on a fan) is no longer an option.
  7. Getting up in the morning is so much worse when you’re cold.
  8. The car becomes your own personal ice box… you could put all of your groceries in it and they would keep for weeks.
  9. The snowbirds head south for the winter and all the sudden I am late for work every single day.
  10. The orange crop where I come from suffers.  Poor oranges, you’re one of our only commodities!
  11. Tile floors become your own ice-covered road that you can’t walk on without a pair of thermal socks.
  12. Suddenly, your space for adventure becomes limited to anywhere indoors because the cold is too much to bear.
  13. Winter clothes are more expensive, more boring and I basically resort to wearing jeans.  24-7.
  14. One word: tights.
  15. It’s so hard to dress for work in the winter time because slacks don’t cut it but they are the only acceptable form of dress clothing to wear in a professional setting.
  16. My glasses fog up when I go out to walk the dog… It’s a hazard; I could be killed by on-coming traffic.
  17. If you get sick, you stay sick because the cold weather keeps you down and out. 
  18. Everyone else loves winter so all the winter and cold weather haters are left with only half of their friends to be cynical with.
  19. The days seem shorter because it is pitch black by 5 p.m.
  20. The cold, icy morning dew turns to slosh by the afternoon and makes it so much